Out Now: “Unjust Debts”

“Unjust Debts” explores how an expansive interpretation of the national bankruptcy power unduly encroaches on other laws and policies and calls for a more limited and effective bankruptcy system going forward. 

Carolina Law Welcomes New Faculty

The UNC School of Law is thrilled to welcome four distinguished professors to its faculty. Kara Bruce, Carrie Floyd, Caleb Griffin, and Caroline Osborne bring diverse expertise and innovative approaches to legal education, each enhancing Carolina Law's commitment to excellence in teaching and research. 

Law Librarian Ellie Campbell Wins Prestigious Paul Ganz Publication Award

The UNC School of Law is proud to announce that Ellie Campbell, clinical associate professor of law and reference librarian at the Kathrine R. Everett Law Library, has been awarded the prestigious Paul Ganz Publication Award by the American Association of Law Libraries RIPS-SIS Grants and Awards Committee for her article, “Critical Legal Research, Artificial Intelligence, and Systemic Racism: Teaching with Jim Crow Text-Mining.”