Wab Kadaba ’97 : A Leap of Faith

Wab Kadaba '97 never planned to become a lawyer. The son of a Georgia Tech professor, he started out following in his father's footsteps, pursuing a master's degree in mechanical engineering. With a father and three uncles who were engineering professors, there was an expectation that he might continue this tradition.

Dismantling Barriers: Rebecca Williford ’09 Leads the Charge at Disability Rights Advocates

Rebecca Williford's ’09 journey to becoming president and CEO of Disability Rights Advocates (DRA) began unexpectedly during her teenage years in Rocky Mount, N.C. A year-round competitive swimmer, Williford's life took a dramatic turn when she developed a neurological disorder called dysautonomia. Suddenly, she found herself navigating a world of medical appointments, hospitalization, and missed school days, eventually leading to her using a wheelchair.